Christian Science Church, Fresno
Church Services
To donate by check
make check payable to:
Second Church of Christ, Scientist
292 W. Shaw Avenue
Fresno, California 93704
Second Church of Christ, Scientist
292 west shaw avenue
fresno, california 93704
Church Services are held Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. Sunday School is held at the same time as Church on Sundays. You can also listen to the Church services by phone by calling the number below.
sundays 10:00 am
wednesdays 7:00 pm
call-in number 559.374.2990
On Sundays in Churches of Christ, Scientist around the world,
you'll find a friendly greeting, music, singing, scriptural readings, prayer and a sermon. The sermon is based on a weekly Christian Science Bible Lesson from our pastor, the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy.
A democratically elected "First Reader" will run the service and read from Science and Health, while a "Second Reader" will read from the Bible. Typically, the service lasts an hour, and Sunday School classes are held as the same time as the church service.
Wednesday meetings are similar to Sunday services, but the
First Reader alone runs the meeting, gathering Scriptural readings customized to the congregation and occasion. You'll also hear fellow attendees share insights, experiences, and healings they've had as a result of their prayers and study of Christian Science.
The service typically lasts an hour.